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Why are Your Lips Bigger in the Morning?

Why are Your Lips Bigger in the Morning?

Have you ever looked in the mirror in the morning, only to notice that your lips are fuller than they were when you went to bed? You are not alone. Many people see the phenomenon and do not know what it means. 

The answer is simple: The reason is because of an increase in blood circulation during sleep. You may notice that when you wake up with puffy eyes or swollen cheeks. Fluid retention occurs while we’re asleep. 

This blog post talks about the reasons behind this interesting occurrence.

Why are Your Lips Bigger in the Morning?

For Increased Blood Circulation

Before we discuss the reasons behind this phenomenon, let’s first understand how increased blood circulation happens. Two main hormones control our circulatory system: vasopressin and antidiuretic hormone (ADH). Vasopressin gets released when you’re dehydrated or low on sodium levels in your body.

ADH gets released when you undergo dehydration or have a low blood volume, and it helps your kidney reabsorb more water rather than removing the excess into your bladder as urine. 

These hormones work together to help regulate our fluid levels in the body by acting on receptors that control how much water travels from the kidneys into the bladder.

Does This Cause Swelling Or Bloating?

As you sleep through the night, your body becomes less active, and blood flow slows down. However, when that happens, fluid retention can occur in some regions of the body, such as around the eyes and lips, due to increased levels of ADH. That is why some people notice that they have bigger lips in the morning.

While increased blood circulation may sound like a good thing, certain disadvantages come with it. For example, it can cause swelling or bloating in some cases when you wake up, so drink plenty of water before going to bed and keep yourself hydrated throughout the night if possible.

How To Overcome The Swelling?

There are several quick ways to help reduce the puffiness in your face.

1. Cold Compress

If you have a cotton pad or washcloth on hand, place it in cold water and apply it to your eyes for about ten minutes. It will reduce the swelling around them by constricting blood vessels close to the skin’s surface.

2. Aloe Vera

If you have an Aloe Vera plant in your home, break the end off and apply it to your skin for about ten minutes. You can also use some of that gel from inside the leaf if you need more product. Aloe Vera is ideal for its anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it perfect for reducing swelling and puffiness.

3. Eye Drops

If the swelling around your eyes is much to handle, try using some eye drops. It will help constrict blood vessels in that area and reduce puffiness. Unique creams are available for reducing this type of skin irritation if you need something more potent than an essential moisturizer or gel.

4. Ice Water

An easy way to reduce swelling is by drinking ice-cold water. Ensure it’s room temperature beforehand, and drink as much of the liquid as you can throughout your day. It will keep your body hydrated while reducing puffiness in specific areas like around your eyes or on your lips if needed.

5. Avoid Sodium

If you know that certain foods such as chips, crackers, or other salty snacks tend to cause swelling in your face, it’s best to avoid them if possible. Instead, focus on eating healthier options while drinking plenty of water throughout the day and before bed at night. It will reduce any puffiness around your eyes.

How Long Will It Take For Me To See Results?

It should only take a few minutes to apply any of these remedies, so you should notice a difference right away. Keep in mind that if you have any severe skin allergies, it’s best to avoid using Aloe Vera or eye drops until you’ve consulted with your doctor.

Should You Do Anything To Prevent The Swelling?

Yes! It’s always a good idea to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated no matter what time of day it is. Try going for a walk outside or exercising if you can, since this will help your body rid itself of any excess fluid as well as reduce blood flow throughout your entire system. 

Avoiding certain foods is also helpful if puffiness around your eyes or lips gets triggered by salt intake. Instead of salty snacks like chips, crackers, and pretzels, try eating healthier options that are easy on your digestive systems, such as an apple or some carrots.

Medical Treatment for Swollen Lips

If you need to see a doctor for the condition, there are some prescription medications that you can take orally or apply directly to the skin. Some of these include pill forms like ibuprofen and acetaminophen, which will help reduce any inflammation in your body while also reducing swelling around the lips if needed.

There are also creams available that you can apply directly to the area around your mouth or on top of any other affected areas, so there is another good option if you need something stronger than essential moisturizing.

Some spray options are available for reducing swelling in specific areas like around the eyes and lips if needed. A quick spritz will help reduce puffiness and redness and moisturize the area around your lips to prevent dryness or cracking.

It’s best to consult with a doctor before using any of these medical treatments, though if you have severe allergies such as those triggered by certain foods like latex, for example. If there is an underlying cause that needs attention, it’s always best to seek help from a doctor.

As you can see, there are several reasons why you might notice puffiness or swelling around your lips, eyes, and even face in general. While you can resolve many issues with simple home remedies like using an aloe vera plant to reduce the irritation, you must consult a doctor if needed. If left untreated, some forms of the condition can lead to serious health problems, so make sure you’re taking the proper steps to keep yourself healthy.