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Does Mederma Expire?

Does Mederma Expire?

Mederma is a skin cream used to reduce the appearance of scars. You can purchase it at most pharmacies and grocery stores, but does Mederma expire? While it’s common for medications to expire after X amount of time (check your medication now!), this isn’t true with all products. So yes, Mederma does expire, but not right away.

Does Mederma Expire? 

Mederma has an expiration date on the package. It is not something you should ignore, so make sure you keep track of when it expires and replace it accordingly. You can find the information in your local store or online. Some people think they may only need a little, but waste the whole tube if they don’t replace it on time.

Does Mederma Expire?

What Changes Should You Look Out for After the Expiration Date?

  1. The skin cream may change color. If it has changed, dispose of the product and do not use it anymore. 
  2. The consistency can also change; if that happens, stop using it immediately because germs could have entered the tube during storage or opening/closing. When in doubt about any changes, just get rid of the product.
  3. If you have had a Mederma tube for several months or years and aren’t sure if it has expired yet, do not use it! It will help avoid wasting your money on something that may no longer be effective in treating scars.
  4. The product may no longer be effective in treating scars. Do not put on a scar cream that is ineffective because you will end up wasting your time and money.
  5. It may irritate the skin. Again, you do not want to waste your time or money on something that will hurt your skin instead of helping it.

How Long Does Mederma Last if Unopened?

Mederma has no expiration date for its tubes when sealed. You can store them in a dry place, and they will be fine for a long time.

What Should You Do if Your Mederma Tube Expires?

If your tube of Mederma is no longer effective, throw it away instead of trying to squeeze out the product or add water into the tube. This can cause germs from outside sources to enter in which can irritate your skin more. You can always purchase a new tube and start fresh!

Benefits of Throwing Out Old Mederma vs. Continuing To Use It

1. You can avoid wasting money on a product tube that may no longer be beneficial.

2. You can avoid wasting your time on a product that may irritate the skin.

Can You Freeze Mederma for Longer Storage?

No, do not freeze it. You should store Mederma in a dry place so that the tube will last for a long time, even if you have had it opened/closed multiple times and stored at different temperatures. 

If your tube gets expired but is still sealed, keep it in a cool location with low humidity instead of putting it in the fridge or freezer. It may change color or texture, which can indicate that it has gone bad.

Ways that you can extend the life of your Mederma

The simplest way to extend the life of your Mederma tube is by keeping it in a dry place with low humidity so that you can use up all of the product before expiration. You should store opened tubes at room temperature, but do not freeze them or expose them to high temperatures as this will cause bacteria and germs from outside sources to enter. If your tube of Mederma expires, throw it away and get a new one.


1. Can Mederma Be Used After It Has Expired?

No, do not use old products because they may no longer work for treating scars. You should dispose of them to avoid wasting money and time.

2. How Long Can I Keep Mederma in the Fridge?

You should store it at room temperature instead so that you get the maximum life out of your product. If you have an opened tube, do not freeze it and only put it in the fridge if needed for short-term purposes (minutes to hours). Otherwise, just leave this product on a shelf at room temperature.

3. Is Mederma Cream Safe?

Yes, you can use it as long as the tube isn’t expired. If your product is no longer effective or has changed consistency, stop using it immediately because germs may have entered during storage/opening/closing.

4. Can I Use Mederma Cream on Scars From Acne?

Yes, you can use it to treat old or new scars. If your tube is expired but still sealed, store it in a cool place with low humidity instead of the fridge/freezer for maximum life. It should not change color if kept at room temperature to use it even if the tube is open.

5. How Much Does Mederma for Scars Cost?

Mederma is available online and in stores around the US. The price ranges depending on size, but you can get a smaller tube to try it out before committing to bigger sizes that last longer. You should not purchase an expired product because it may no longer be effective or safe!

6. Does Mederma Work on Stretch Marks?

Yes, you can use it to treat stretch marks with all different types of origins. If your tube is expired but still sealed, store it in a cool place so that you get the maximum life out of this product. Avoid freezing and only keep at room temperature for short amounts of time (minutes to hours).

Mederma is effective for treating scars after they have had time to heal. You should not use expired products because they may no longer be effective or safe!


As you can see, throwing out old tubes of Mederma is the best way to go so that you don’t waste both time and money on something that may not work anymore. If your product expires, get rid of it immediately! You can always purchase a new tube if needed for treating scars or other skin blemishes.