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Does Accutane Make You Gain Weight?

Does Accutane Make You Gain Weight?

The greatest nightmare a teenager gets is realizing that they have acne. The reality is that the problem affects both genders. Fortunately, solutions have been coming up, thus eradicating the problem of what every person thinks of how is getting rid of acne. While the methods used to treat acne are effective, they pose some side effects on the users.

Accutane is among the best Acne treatment products that many have been using. However, there have been allegations that it reduces weight, especially when taken over the counter. So, does Accutane make you gain weight? Let’s find out. Read on!

Accutane: Why Do People Use It?

It helps in the following ways:

1. It Is an Effective Treatment for Acne

If you use it the right way, you will treat acne in weeks. Although not scientifically proven, having excess oil on the skin usually leads to acne breakouts. Accutane is effective in treating acne because it reduces sebum production in your body.

2. It Helps Prevent Scarring

When acne breaks out, one thing that might happen is scarring. That happens when you leave the acne to stay for a long period before treating it. For that reason, people opt to use Accutane as it helps in fighting off bacteria and also reduces the scars on your body.

3. Prevents the Spread of Acne

When you take Accutane, it helps in treating your current condition and, at the same time, helps prevent future outbreaks. That is a great benefit, especially for those who have a weak immune system. It leaves you with fewer to no scars.

4. Helps Get Back Clear Skin

One thing most people hate is the dark scars that acne leaves after healing. Accutane helps get rid of any scar on your skin which makes your skin look better than before. That is great news to those who have suffered and are looking forward to having clear skin again.

5. It Is Cheap

It comes at a relatively low price. Accutane is available over the counter and requires no prescriptions from your doctor to get it. For that reason, many people prefer using Accutane because of its affordability and effectiveness in treating acne. The only drawback might be some side effects while taking Accutane, but we will be looking at that later.

What Are The Ingredients Found In Accutane?

Accutane is an OTC medication which means it is available over the counter and does not require any prescription from your doctor to purchase them. 

The product contains Isotretinoin as its main active ingredient, which helps fight off acne by reducing the oil production on your skin. Accutane also treats certain kinds of cancers like brain cancer, breast cancer, and also leukemia.

Does Accutane Have Any Side Effects?

The side effects that come with Accutane are minor but can cause some serious problems if you don’t seek the help of a doctor at the right time. Some of these side effects include:

1. Dry skin and eyes – It usually happens when you first start using Accutane as your body adjusts to the new changes brought about by the medication.

2. Hair thinning – can be due to reduced sebum production on your skin.

4. Mood changes – people taking Accutane have reported mood swings, depression, and thoughts of suicide, especially if you are prone to it due to other factors like genetics. People with bipolar disorder should stay away from Accutane usage. 

5. Pancreatitis – Accutane might have links to pancreatitis, which is inflammation of your pancreas. It is usually the result of drinking more than two alcoholic beverages while using Accutane. 

Does Accutane Make You Gain Weight?

Does Accutane make you increase weight? The answer is no. Although it might seem like you are gaining weight after using Accutane, that is not the case. Accutane affects your sebum production, which leads to dryness of the skin and hair. 

You will have increased hair loss if you are taking Accutane, resulting in your hair being thinner than usual, thus leading to the conclusion that you are losing weight not gaining it.

Does Accutane Make You Gain Weight?

Can I Take Accutane With Other Medications?

Accutane might react to certain medications. It is best to check with your doctor before you start taking Accutane to be on the safe side. Some of these medications which you should avoid while using Accutane are:

1. Antibiotics – it increases the levels of Isotretinoin in your body which might cause serious side effects.

2. Aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs increase your risk of getting pancreatitis, a serious medical condition that needs immediate treatment.

3. Vitamin A supplements – vitamin A can be toxic when combined with Accutane leading to severe side effects like seizures, coma, and even death.

4. Tetracycline – both medications might interact and cause serious side effects like colon inflammation, which can be dangerous and need immediate medical attention.

How Much Accutane Should You Take?

It depends on your condition. You can take several dosages of Accutane depending on how serious your skin condition is and how long you will use the product. Take note that you must never stop the medication suddenly as it can trigger depression, suicidal thoughts even without previous cases of people with these conditions using Accutane. Some of the common dosages of Accutane include:

1. Acute treatment of cystic acne –For people with severe acne, which might not respond to other forms of treatment like antibiotics. Depending on your condition, the dosage can range from 0.5mg/kg to 1mg/kg for 20-30 weeks or more.

2. Maintenance dosage for people who respond to initial treatment starts at 0.1mg/kg and goes up depending on your response to the medication after 20-40 weeks or more.

3. Prevention of acne during pregnancy – Pregnant women shouldn’t use Accutane to cause congenital disabilities. However, you might need to take Accutane if your acne can be dangerous during pregnancy.


Accutane is an effective medication for treating severe acne if you suffer from cystic acne, nodular acne, or other forms of acne that might be scarring. However, the medication comes with various side effects depending on your condition. Hence, it is best to always seek professional help at the first sign of any changes in your body while taking this medication. Never stop taking Accutane suddenly. You might trigger depression or other serious medical conditions in your body, which can be life-threatening.